Jouhou Koukai Publishing, a Jouhou Koukai business |
Notice on Present Relations between JAD Databases and Drug Price List service
In a reply to recent inquiries from potential customers whether the JAD Databases contains information on
reimbursement prices of drugs approved in Japan:
The JAD Basic Database or any of currently active JAD Extended Database does not contain price information. Prices (for reimbursement or otherwise) of the approved products are to be included in another database -
JAD Profiles of Approved Drugs Database, which is now in beta testing and still cannot be subscribed. The release is scheduled for late Q4/2007.
At present, price information for any pharmaceutical product in Japan can be obtained through our
JAD Drug Price List service - please, visit the links below to see the fee structure and service conditions:
JAD Drug Price List Service Started
and Pricing.
Payment for this service can be done either by using the subscription form (look at the bottom of the drop-down menu) or by other means if agreed in advance.
Content demonstration of all
four subscribable JAD Databases is available at the
JAD Demo site.
All potential customers are encouraged to approach JKS with inquiries about prices, reimbursement and related issues in Japan.
Please, note that at present JAD Databases consist of JAD Basic database and 3 extended databases: JAD Orphan Drug Designations (JAD-ODD), JAD Japan Master Files (JAD-MF) and JAD Accredited Foreign Manufacturers (JAD-AFM), as either database is available for a separate subscription or in combination with JAD Basic.
For all current customers, who have subscribed only to JAD Basic Database, JK
Publishing is pleased to offer 50-25% discount if subscribed to any of the extended databases or to all. For further details, please inquire to Order Dept. at orders(at)jouhoukoukai.com.
Further requests for clarification of regulatory issues or particular products should be forwarded to regulatory(at)jouhoukoukai.com
Service email: October 26, 2007