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JAD definition: Stage classification used in JAD Databases

The life cycle of any of the regulated medicinal products in Japan commonly consist of a number of mostly consequent stages starting with the discovery and ending with withdrawal from the market. Those stages are covered in two different ways in the publications of Jouhou Koukai Publishing:

  1. Development stages from Discovery to Reevaluation & Reexamination - described in documents and reports predominantly from the point of sponsors (for detailed information and list of publications, visit the JKS Document Store
  2. Regulatory stages - used in JAD Databases. Under the structural convention applied in JAD Databases, the Regulatory stages begin with Preparation for submission (when the sponsors start evaluating their data and thence the approvability of the product against the regulatory requirements) and end with a withdrawal (voluntary or ordered). The Regulatory stages are listed below and each is covered in various JAD Databases

The "Stage Indicator" has been introduced in JAD Database to quantify the progress in approval flow from the date of submission through the approval. For the purpose of JAD Databases selected 6 stages from the life cycle of medicinal products in Japan are covered. Each of the six stages has an "Stage Indicator" assigned as a numerical equivalent ranging from 0 to 24, as shown in the table below.

The Stage Indicator is included in both data and graphical part of JAD Submitted for Approval (JAD-SUB) database. The numerical equivalent assigned to each stage makes visually clear the changes from one stage to another as the product progresses in the approval process.

Stage Indicator used in JAD-SUB

Regulatory stage

Description of the stage

Corresponding JAD Database

  Completion Completion of the clinical studies: Most of the sponsoring companies usually publicly announce the completion of all planned clinical trials, what also signifies the completion of the development process and the beginning of the preparations for submission.  
0 Preparation Preparation of documentation for approval: extends the period when the sponsoring company is preparing the documentation assembly for submission, what in Japan is in CTD / eCTD format. (For more information see CTD/eCTD entry in the Glossary or click here) The period for preparation may last differently depending on variety of factors such as in-house experience in assembling CTD, availability and usability of CTD modules for other regulatory regions and complexity of the product. JAD -SUB
2 Submitted Submitted: describes the stage when the documentation assembly in CTD/eCTD format is presented to, accepted and registered by the regulatory authorities (Metropolitan or prefectural structures of MHLW at the domicile of the sponsor). From the date of submission the approval period starts to elapse (see Elapsed Approval Period entry in Glossary) JAD-SUB
4 Reviewed Reviewed by the Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) under request from the Minister of Health Welfare and Labor in accordance with the Article 14-2 of PAL. Procedurally, it correspond to the document stage when the PMDA has undertaken the evaluation of the submitted data until the moment when the product application along with the Approval Report are forwarded to the relevant Subcommittees of the PAFSC for deliberation during the stage described below as "Committees".  JAD-SUB
Committees   JAD-SUB
16 Recommended   JAD-SUB
24 Approved   JAD-BASIC
  Priced   JAD-PRO
  Marketed   JAD-BASIC
  Withdrawal   JAD-BASIC

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