Regulatory & Commercial News >>
2013 >>
●March 27, 2013: JKS News: While Japanese diagnostic medical device makers have strong position in the world's second largest medical device market, therapeutic devices are predominantly imported; three political parties have submitted a bill to promote wider use of medical devices, expected to become a law during the current Diet session ... Medical devices consulting | Market Access & Value Strategy
●February 8, 2013: CDx news (2): Pfizer KK  plans to clinical study in Japan the already approved for ALK-positive advanced patients Xalcori (crizotinib) by targeting the subset of ROS1-positive patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) ... previous Pfizer news | Pfizer products in JAD Databases | P&R / Market access consulting | Diagnostics products in JAD Databases |
CDx consulting
●February 1, 2013: Flu pandemic in Japan (update 18) - peak: The National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID)  reported that the number of flu patients has reached 2.14 millions in the last week of February ... Vaccines and anti-flu products in JAD Databases | Epidemiology consulting and data
●January 31, 2013: JKS News: The MHLW  to finalize the list of 300 rare and orphan diseases and conditions eligible for preferable market access ... Orphan Drugs Report preview
●January 28, 2013: JKS News: The National Diet  to amend the Preventive Vaccination Law by including 3 vaccines (against HPV, H. influenzae and pneumonia) in the regular vaccination schedule making the vaccinations free and publicly recommended ... Vaccine consulting services | Vaccines and Sera Report preview
News archive (2012-2006)>>
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