Regulatory & Commercial News >>
2011 >>
●June 23, 2011: JKS News: The generics industry leader Sawai Seiyaku KK to launch generic versions of Actos of Takeda Yakuhin Kogyo KK  and of Radicut of Tanabe Mitsubishi Seiyaku KK  ... Takeda and TM product details in JAD Databases... previous Sawai news | sources | Generics report preview
●June 14, 2011: JKS News: The number of the registered in Japan Drug Master Files (MF) has reached 2,712 and the number of Accredited Foreign Manufacturers (AFM) stands at 8,111 entities ... Generics report preview | Key report reading
●June 6, 2011: JKS News: The 30th anniversary of AIDS discovery marked in Japan with the closing of the 22-year old litigation between Tanabe-Mitsubishi Seiyaku KK  and patients affected by HIV-tainted blood products; leading anti-malpractice advocate and HIV-sufferer became a patient representative in CSIMC ... TM product details in JAD Databases | Generics in JAD Databases
●May 31, 2011: JKS News: The special DPC Advisory Group to the Central Social Insurance Medical Council (CSIMC)  announce results for pilot study for the introduction of DPC/PDPS (Diagnosis Procedure Combination/Per-Diem Payment System) in Japan ...
CSIMC consulting services
●May 24, 2011: Pfizer KK  announced a submission for approval in Japan of crizotinib targeting a 4% subset of genetically-sensitive patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) ... previous Pfizer news | Pfizer products in JAD Databases | P&R / Market access consulting
●May 17, 2011: Generics update: Teva Pharmaceuticals KK  - a subsidiary of Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. announced the acquisition of the Nagoya-based No. 3 generics maker Tayio Yakuhin Kogyo KK  , as an addition to Teva Japan business of the JV company Teva-Kowa Pharma KK  with aim of 100 billion Yen sales by 2015; the future position of current market leader Nichi-Iko Seiyaku KK  remains unclear ... Generics in JAD Databases | Generics report preview | P&R / Market access consulting
●April 7, 2011: JKS News: Astellas Seiyaku KK  forms a partnership with Cell Signaling Technology Inc.  to develop companion diagnostics (CompanDx) for anti-cancers ● Astellas Seiyaku KK to buy-out all outstanding shares of JV Perseid Pharmaceuticals, Inc.  ... Astellas products in JAD Databases | IVD consulting
●April 2, 2011: JKS News: The MHLW  released the complete list of the Phase II Advanced Medical Technologies (AMT) Program, featuring 89 newer areas for pharmaceuticals, medical devices, screening diagnostics, personalized therapies ... Healthcare trends consulting
News archive (2012-2006)>>
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The JAD News Database is currently in beta-testing and expected to be launched in 2011 for all registered users
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