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2010 >>
December 14, 2010: JKS News: Otsuka Holdings KK  the last large unlisted Japanese pharma to debut on Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)  with 1.1714 trillion yen IPO, the second biggest in TSE history; the diversified 100-member conglomerate has under its umbrella several pharmaceutical, API and chemical manufacturers, including Abilify maker Otsuka Seiyaku KK  and anti-cancer drug developer Taiho Seiyaku ... Otsuka group companies products in JAD Databases | related report preview
●November 30, 2010: Mental health news (update): The Cultural Affairs Council  in the first in 30 years revision of the list of characters for common use, authorized the inclusion of 196 new characters, including some rare and difficult to write by hand such as "utsu"  used in the term for psychological depression; the character is one of the most difficult to write by hand, however, its simplified version recently became a household term ...
Anti-depression products in JAD Databases | Depression report preview |
Epidemiology of depression in Japan |
Archived news
●November 14, 2010: World Diabetes Day 2010: widely observed in Japan with focus on education the public on the disease symptoms, insulin treatment, significance of HbA1c control and monitoring of blood glucose ... Anti-diabetes products in JAD Databases | Metabolic Syndrome report preview | Epidemiology of diabetes data
●October 14, 2010: Flu pandemic in Japan (update 14) - preparedness of drugs: In expectation for less severe flu situation, three of four flu medicines makers announced their readiness to supply drugs for the 2010/11 season to 19.4 million patients: Chugai Seiyaku KK  - Tamiflu for about 12 millions patients; GlaxoSmithKline Japan KK  - Relenza for about 6 millions patients; and Shionogi Seiyaku KK  Rapiacta (Peramivir) for about 1 million patients ... Anti-flu products in JAD Databases | Epidemiology consulting and data
●October 8, 2010: Vaccines update: The Government announced a record 5.5 trillion Yen stimulus package, including funds allocated to fully subsidize the vaccination against cervical pre-cancerous lesions related to human papillomavirus (HPV 16/18) in teenage girls, and also against pneumococcus and haemophilus influenzae type B - caused meningitis ... Anti-cancer drugs in JAD Databases | Report: Anti-cancers in Japan | Cancer epidemiology consulting and data
●October 4, 2010: With the beginning of the new business year in Japan, the MSD KK  (wholly-owned Japanese subsidiary of Merck & Co.,Inc.), newly-formed after a reverse-merger between its former subsidiary Banyu Seiyaku KK  and Schering-Plough KK  aims at 6% share of the combined global sales ... MSD KK products in JAD Databases
●October 1, 2010: Flu pandemic in Japan (update 13): The mass vaccination against flu (new A, A and B type) starts for the 2010-2011 season (until end of March 2011) as the local government announces eligible age groups, appointed hospitals and clinics and available subsidies ... Vaccines in JAD Databases | Vaccine report preview
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