●March 31, 2010: JKS News: PMDA
 to announce the results of bidding for building and maintaining an intra-agency system for new drug application dossier reviewing and eCTD handling ...
eCTD consulting and data | Key reports
●March 26, 2010: JKS News: GlaxoSmithKline PLC  to purchase from Mitsui Busan Principal Investments KK  over 3 millions common shares of Nippon Chemical Research KK  - a developer of enzyme-replacement therapies (ERT) and biosimilars thus gaining 25% control of the company ...
Biosimilars consulting | Related reading
●March 24, 2010: JKS News: In a long time not seen pharma company IPO, the API maker Daito KK  debuted in the second section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)  , stock raised over the initial price ...
Generics in JAD Databases |
Generics report preview
●March 18, 2010: JKS News: PMDA  published an extensive report on the agency's activities in the FY 2009 related to quasi-drug new requirements, approvals and review ... Quasi-drug consulting services
●March 16, 2010: Drugstore industry realignment: Two major drugstore operators to be delisted from the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)  due to industry reshaping mergers and acquisitions: the leading leading retailer Aeon KK  to obtain controlling 51% stake in CSF Corporation KK  , plans to make it core for drugstore and cosmetics operations; Cocokara Fine Holdings KK  to absorb Allied Hearts Holdings KK  and form a new entity on October 1, 2010 ... Drugstore operations and OTC consulting
●March 12, 2010: Flu pandemic in Japan update (9) - epidemics abates: The National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID)  estimated the number of infected to have reached 20.63 millions, however the epidemics clearly abates - the number of patients per monitoring institution drops to 0.77 - all time low; the MHLW  announce that none of the Britain's GlaxoSmithKline PLC  and only 150 of the Switzerland's Novartis AG  - manufactured flu vaccines have been actually applied, 99 millions remain and now expiring; approximately one-third of all domestically-produced 54 million anti-flu shots have been used, what makes the number of vaccinated about 18 millions ... Anti-flu products in JAD Databases |
Epidemiology consulting and data
●March 10, 2010: Research findings cited by Nihon Keizai Shimbun  show that in spite of sales deregulations for OTC drugs the actual sales in 2009 have decreased by 0.4% due to the significant number of people visiting clinics instead of purchasing cold medicines by themselves ... OTC registration and consulting services
●March 8, 2010: JKS News: The MHLW  in conjunction with the Drug Price Subcommittee of the Central Social Insurance Medical Council (CSIMC)  announced the plan for 10 years post-approval price protection for all patented drugs; orphan and other niche products are projected to benefit most ... Drug price services | Report preview
●March 5, 2010: JKS News: Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)  announced the 2009 Listed Company Awards: Kyowa Hakko Kirin KK  granted the 15th Corporate Disclosure Award ... Kyowa Hakko Kirin products in JAD Databases
March 4, 2010: JKS News: PMDA
 released the updated Japan Drug Master Files listing of over 7,000 entries ... JMF details in JAD Databases | Key report reading
●March 3, 2010: JKS News: The Japanese subsidiary Lundbeck KK  to start with Takeda Yakuhin Kogyo KK  two local trials of new investigational anti-depressants ... Lundbeck products in JAD Databases | Full text | Depression report preview |
Epidemiology of depression in Japan |
Previous news
●February 22, 2010: In the Nihon Keizai Shimbun
 2010 annual survey for the 100 most desirable companies to work conducted among the future graduates from major universities nation-wide the only pharmaceutical company - Takeda Yakuhin Kogyo KK  ranks at 66th place (down from 48th in 2009) ... Takeda products in JAD Databases
●February 12, 2010: JKS News: The price at Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)  of SS Seiyaku KK  gained 20% after Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH / Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim KK  launched a tender offer for all outstanding shares of third largest OTC / generic maker in Japan ... products details in JAD Databases
●February 1, 2010: JKS News: PMDA  updates the comprehensive information on quasi-drug regulations, including the draft requirements for the raw ingredients ... OTC, BTC and quasi-drug consulting services
●January 25, 2010: Diabetes news: Banyu Seiyaku KK  , a Merck &C. group company buoyed by the prospects for the first-of-class DPP-4 (dipeptidyl peptidase IV) inhibitor Januvia (sitagliptin) in the diabetes market in Japan, projected to grow by 50% by 2022 to 377 billion Yen ... Anti-diabetes products in JAD Databases | Metabolic Syndrome report preview | Epidemiology of diabetes data
●January 21, 2010: Flu pandemic in Japan update (8) - vaccine glut: The MHLW  approved the use, but may cancel part of the purchase contract for 9.9 million doses of foreign-made anti-H1N1 vaccines (7.4 million doses of Pandemrix and 2.5 million doses of Celtura) after only one prefecture in Japan requested just 200 doses of products imported by the domestic subsidiaries of by Britain's GlaxoSmithKline PLC  and Switzerland's Novartis AG  ; the distribution of the imported vaccines - made by using cell cultures and containing no unapproved adjuvant (MF59) to start in February as 10,000-subject PMS is scheduled to offset the limitation of emergency 100-subject pre-approval trial; the National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID)  estimated the number of infected to have reached 19.23 millions ... Anti-flu products in JAD Databases |
Epidemiology consulting and data
●January 3, 2010: Generics News: The JV company Teva-Kowa Pharma KK  to launch on 5th of January, 37 new generics - first batch of scheduled nearly 300 products ... Generics in JAD Databases | Generics report preview
●January 13, 2010: Flu pandemic in Japan update (7): Shionogi Seiyaku KK  granted Marketing and Manufacturing Approval for two formulations of Rapiacta (Peramivir): 300 mg bag for i.v. drip
infusion and 15 mg vial for i.v. drip infusion, developed in Japan under license from BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc.  for treatment of infections with influenza A and B virus strains after a record short development period including Phase III multi-national (Japan, Taiwan, S. Korea) study and submission in November 2009; nation-wide epidemiological study led by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)  found that those aged over 6o are far less susceptible to the new influenza due to previous epidemics in 1940s ... Anti-flu products in JAD Databases |
Epidemiology consulting and data
●January 8, 2010: JKS News: In a move toward streamlining health insurance schemes, the MHLW  revealed premium disparity among the 3,500 public medical insurance programs, including the 1,474 corporate health insurance associations and Japan Health Insurance Association (Kyokai Kempo); announced a bid to curb the subsidies paid to
insurance associations of self-employed (physicians, construction laborers) - widely believed to be vote-gathering centers ... Pricing & Reimbursement consulting