June 30, 2008: JKS News: PMDA
 discloses salaries and bonuses for executives and regular employees...related laws
June 26, 2008: JKS News: Sanofi Pasteur SA

inaugurates 20 types of vaccines manufacturing facility in France, the CEO
 declares in WSJ interview plans to invest 4 billion Euro in 15 manufacturing sites around the world ...press release
June 26, 2008: JKS News: The Federations of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Associations of Japan (FPMAJ)
 projects in the next 10-20 years 5 trillion Yen decrease of Japanese pharma market value due to wider use of generics to be offsetted by 3.3 trillion Yen increase due to improved drug evaluation thus resulting eventually in 1.7 trillion Yen overall market shrinkage ...
drug price services | report preview
June 25, 2008: JKS News: The NPO "Japan Committee Vaccines for the World's Children" (JCV)
 launched an original recycled PET bottles plastic caps collection initiative
 to raise funds for vaccine donations to developing countries in Asia ...
June 24, 2008: JKS News: The Minister of MHLW
 announced plans to increase to 10 billion Yen the spending for research on intractable diseases (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Parkinson, etc.) and to increase the number of targets from currently designated 123 conditions
June 20, 2008: JKS News: Specific Disease Control Division of the Health Services Bureau, MHLW 
announced the "Seven-year Strategy for Hepatitis Research" plan numerically targeting 70% recovery rate, much earlier diagnosis and increase of 5-year liver cancer survival rate from current 25% to 40% ...
previous news | related sources
June 20, 2008: JKS News: PMDA
 invites qualified opinions for the Second Supplement of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia XV Editions due in Spring 2009...Information Meetings reports
June 17, 2008: The Pharmaceutical Affairs Committee of the PAFSC, MHLW
 authorized immediate approval of anti-HIV Isentress (Raltegravir) submitted by Banyu Seiyaku
 , pre-approved other products ...
details in JAD Database
June 17, 2008: JKS News: IMS Japan
 announced 5.5% increase of the Japanese pharma market size with Blopres as leading product, a decrease in Japan of biologicals sales to 5% global share in FY2007 ...
product details in JAD Databases |
JAD consulting services
June 17, 2008: JKS News: Abbott Japan
 expects anti
rheumatoid arthritis Humira to contribute in reaching 1 billion sales in two years ...
Abbott products details in JAD Databases |
JAD consulting services
June 16, 2008: JKS News: The Drug Price Study Group of The Federations of the Pharmaceutical
Manufacturers' Associations of Japan (FPMAJ)
 held a meeting to discuss pricing methods for new drugs, market share calculations, generics,
effect of 2008 cut ...
drug price services | report preview
June 11, 2008: JKS News: Daiichi-Sankyo KK
 launches TOB to Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd (RLL)
 India's largest pharmaceutical company for 4.6 billion US$ to secure share in world generic market...press release | related reading |
report preview
June 10, 2008: JKS News: Unmet Medical Needs Pharma KK (UMN Pharma)
 announced that the in-licensed in 2006 from Protein Sciences Corp.
 FluBlok anti-H5N1 recombinant influenza vaccine is to enter in June 2008 Phase I trial in Japan ...
product details in JAD Databases | report preview |
related readings
June 9, 2008: JKS News: Self-proclaimed psychotic but undiagnosed homicidal knife-attacker  of 17 in Tokyo underscores again the scale of undetected mental disorders and lack of psychiatric vigilance... |
psychiatry report preview
June 8, 2008: JKS News: Otsuka Seiyaku Group
 a diversified 80-member healthcare conglomerate and the largest non-listed pharma company in Japan announced new corporate symbol
 and formation of holding organization...
products details in JAD Databases |
related readings
June 7, 2008: JKS News: MHLW
 designates 4 new orphan products (ODD No. 209-212) ...
orphan drug details in JAD Databases | report preview
June 6, 2008: JKS News: The Japanese Society of Sleep Research (JSSR)
 held a press conference, declare the 2010 introduction of daylight saving time (summer time) unsuitable for Japanese population, forecasting serious damages of national health due to sleep disorders and 120 billion Yen of loses for drugs and medical fees
June 5, 2008: JKS News: Hisao Endo, Chairman of Central Social Insurance Medical Council  displeasured, perplexed by the description of the MHLW Minister Yoichi Masuzoe
 of CSIMS practices as "opaque" at the meeting of "Vision for Relief and Desired Medical Care Security" Committee
June 4, 2008: JKS News: Central Social Insurance Medical Council (CSIMC)
 held the 129th Meeting with agenda: NHI reimbursement prices of 23 formulations of new products; application of DPC (Diagnosis Procedure Combination) to new, high-priced drugs; review of medical treatment fee 2008 revision results ... drug price services | report preview
June 4, 2008: JKS News: The Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) Japan Interchange 2008
 opened in Tokyo with two days training sessions and follow-up CDISC Japan Interchange 2008 Conference ...
CDT services | Japanese regulatory documents
June 3, 2008: JKS News: Kissei Seiyaku KK
 announced that has granted the remaining world-wide rights on KGT group of selective SGLT-2 inhibitors to GlaxoSmithKline Japan KK
 for development as anti-diabetic and anti-obesity therapeutics ...
product details in JAD Databases |
report preview
June 2, 2008: JKS News: PMDA's
 "Team Minus 6%" request all visitors to the agency to observe the CoolBiz
 "no neckties, no jackets" summer style as a
measure against global warming and for energy preservation
May 29, 2008: JKS News: The Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (JPMA)  announced at media press conference that for FY 2007, all of its listed member companies recoded increased sales  , including from overseas, but expect 20% decline on pretax profit due to price drug cut ...
related services | report preview
May 28, 2008: JKS News: In spite of the "Anti-suicide Measures White Paper" policy
adopted by the Government  the suicides in 2007 including caused by depression and mental disorders is projected to exceed 30,000 for 10th consecutive year... SSRI and SNRI drugs, anti-depressants details in JAD Databases | related report preview
May 26, 2008: Second and First Subcommittee of Drugs of PAFSC, MHLW
 pre-approved new products, including pediatric medications and orphan drugs ... details in JAD Databases | related report preview
May 25, 2008: JKS News: The Japan Business Federation (Nippon Keidanren)
 and also the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI)
 plan to ask the Government to stockpile anti-influenza vaccines for the entire population ...
vaccine details in JAD Databases |
related services
May 23, 2008: JKS News: The Fair Trade Council of the Ethical Pharmaceutical Drug Marketing Industry (FTCEPDMI)
 issued a warning over breaking the rule forbidding payment of the private expenses of physicians by Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim KK
 over the past three years ...
products details in JAD Databases
May 23, 2008: JKS News: Roche Pharmholding B.V.
 launched a tender offer for 59.9% stake in Chugai Seiyaku KK
 increasing its majority holding ...
products details in JAD Databases |
related readings
May 22, 2008: JKS News: Mr. Takashi Shoda
 , the President of Daiichi-Sankyo KK and Chairman of the Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (JPMA)
 pointed out at a press conference that the share Japan occupies in the world drug market has been reduced by half compared with ten years ago due to the Government initiatives to cut the drug prices ...related services | report preview
May 21, 2008: JKS News: Daiichi-Sankyo KK
 acquires anti-cancer
antibodies developer U3 Pharma
 , stock market reacts non-enthusiastically ...related reading
May 21, 2008: JKS News: The President of the cosmetics and pharma maker Shiseido  confirmed the previously announced "Non-continuation of Plan for Countermeasures to Large-scale Acquisitions of Shiseido Co., Ltd. Shares (Takeover Defense Measures)", thus becoming one of the first Japanese pharma companies to scrap completely its anti-takeover defense ...related reading
May 20, 2008: JKS News: MHLW
 released the "2008 White Paper on Aging Society" - 10% of the population is now over 75 years old
May 18, 2008: JKS News: Dr. Tadao Kakizoe
 , Honorary President of the Japan National Cancer Center and Chair of the MHLW's Council for Cancer Control published a policy paper "Pro-market Theory Hurts Health Care" denouncing HMO and other for-profit initiatives as not applicable to Japan
May 16, 2008: JKS News: IMD (International Institute for Management Development)
 ranked Japan 22nd among 55 economies
 in "The World Competiveness Scoreboard 2008"
May 15, 2008: JKS News: Brandes Investment Partners, L.P.
 , a 7% stock holder reverted its April request to Ono Seiyaku KK
 to pay dividends and expand share-buyback program ...related reading
May 14, 2008: Yomiuri Shimbun
 survey: as 85% of municipalities offer free
consultation to 56 million insured and eligible for the mandatory metabolic syndrome health check, the financial burden not relieved by the central Government...
report preview
May 13, 2008: JKS News: MHLW
 disclosed the proceedings of the 7th meeting of the Advisory Committee responsible for creating 10-years "Vision for Relief and Desired Medical Care Security"
May 12, 2008: JKS News: Ruling LDP
 confirms the dedication to increase the use of generics: Mr. Yuya Miwa, a senior lawmaker from the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and former Chairman of the LDP's Executive Council and Minister of Health and Welfare, in the keynote presentation at the meeting of the Japan Pharmacies Association (NPhA) announced that Government's aim for 30% generics by 2012 is achievable even without US-style compulsory prescription
May 10, 2008: Nihon Keizai Shimbun
 : 6 of the
largest foreign corporate investors in Japan demand 500 of listed firms to abolish takeover defenses, to reduce cross shareholding and to appoint 3 outside board members
May 9, 2008: JKS News: Takeda Yakuhin
successful closing of the TOB for Millennium Pharmaceuticals
 , and over 50% drop in projected net profit for FY 2008 ...related reading
May 6, 2008: JKS News: Japan Patent Office
 to introduce 2-week ultra-fast patent review procedure for critical invention in biotech, healthcare and other high technologies
May 2, 2008: JKS News: MHLW
 ordered Fuso Seiyaku
to recall 370,000
ampoules of Heparin-containing products ...
details in JAD Database | other heparin news
April 30, 2008: Second Subcommittee of Drugs of PAFSC, MHLW
 pre-approved Isentress (Raltegravir) submitted by Banyu Seiyaku
 , other products ...
details in JAD Database
April 30, 2008: JKS News: Japan Drug Master Files updated...
details in JAD Databases | key reading
April 28, 2008: First Subcommittee of Drugs of PAFSC, MHLW
 pre-approved Macugen (Pegaptanib sodium), other products ...
details in JAD Database
April 23, 2008: JKS News: Mid-size pharma maker Aska Seiyaku
 first to take advantage of expired patent of Amlodipine besylate, releasing also 3 other generic drugs in FY 2008 ...
details in JAD Database | related reading
April 18, 2008: JKS News: The Office for Evaluation of Medical Devices, Evaluation and Licensing Division (ELD) of the Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau (PFSB) of MHLW
 released a key policy ELD Notification No. 0404002 "Disclosure of the Evaluation of Next Generation Medical Devices to the Public" ... relevant documents
April 16, 2008: JKS News: MHLW
 approved Humira, ARB, SNRI products ... details in JAD Database
April 14, 2008: JKS News: The East Asian Pharmaceutical Regulatory Symposium 2008
 starts in Tokyo
April 11, 2008: JKS News: After fully integrating the former Amgen KK
 on April 1, Takeda Yakuhin
 makes a TOB for Millennium Pharmaceuticals
 ...related reading
April 10, 2008: JKS News: Orchid Pharmaceuticals
 announces the formation of its Japanese Subsidiary, Orchid Pharma Japan KK to drive foray into the growing high potential Japanese generics market
April 9, 2008: JKS News: CPhI Japan 2008
 opened in Tokyo with distinct emphasis on generics
April 4, 2008: JKS News: Kirin Holdings  announces closing of three R&D sites of ex-Kirin Pharma in line with the Kyowa Hakko integration...
full story | related reading
April 2, 2008: JKS News: The largest Japanese generics maker Sawai Seiyaku to reshuffle the management with younger family members: current Chairman Jiro Sawai to become a Counselor, his younger brother and current President Hiroyuki Sawai  to become Chairman, and current Executive Director Mitsuo Sawai (son-in-law of Jiro Sawai) to assume the presidency ... related news | sources
April 1, 2008: JKS News: With the enforcement of the new medical insurance regulations, major retailers offer a range of health-control products targeting metabolic syndrome
report preview
April 1, 2008: JKS News: Pharmaceuticals and Food Safety Bureau, MHLW
announced new office layout

personnel changes